Inspiring Organisations

I’ve worked with businesses across South Wales and the UK offering culture-change consultancy, training and coaching.

Businesses I’ve worked with include, CGI IT UK, Housing Justice Cymru and Citizen’s Advice.

Bec Bland

1. Training Programmes

I offer the following training programmes that can be delivered in person or via Teams to individuals, teams or organisation-wide.

  • Effective teams
  • Resilience
  • Job-crafting
  • Effective meetings
  • Effective feedback
  • Managing work stress
  • Engagement and Disengagement
  • Burnout
  • Wellbeing
  • Workplace courage (GFire)
  • Psychological safety
  • Psychological capital
  • Coaching skills


GFire is my signature ‘workplace courage’ training programme that can be delivered in a variety of ways (either as a 2.5 hour training programme or over 6 x 90 minute sessions) to individuals, leaders, or whole teams.

As with all my consultancy, training and coaching, it’s backed by the science of Positive Psychology and Positive Organisational Scholarship and Behaviour.

Courage is frequently associated with effective leadership, and is a necessary and important component of everyday work within our increasingly VUCA workplaces.

GFire will help you to:

  • explore workplace courage within your specific context;
  • learn an effective goal-setting tool for connecting to purpose, new possibilities and the collective good;
  • consider how to reduce workplace fear and risk (psychological safety);
  • understand and apply your unique character strengths so you can use the best of who you are to bring
  • out the best in others, overcome challenge and achieve positive results;
  • increase self-efficacy so you can feel more confident in the workplace.

2. Individual and Team Coaching

I am an ACC ICF accredited coach, working within organisations, helping individuals and teams boost talent, engagement, performance, wellbeing and resilience.


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I decided to seek coaching through work because I was not feeling entirely confident at the prospect of stepping up into a new role and wanted to better understand my strengths.

I wanted coaching to help improve my confidence and self-belief. Other people would tell me that I was doing a great job and that I was confident etc, but I wouldn’t necessarily believe them or accept the positives.

Through coaching I have learned that I can do all things I put my mind to. I’ve learned that my top character strengths are ‘perspective’ and ‘faith’ and I now use these to help me in all situations and challenges. I have learned that I am good enough, I am capable, I am strong, and I am a valuable asset to the team.

Since coaching with Bec, I have been able to deliver presentations more confidently and been confident to make decisions without second guessing myself or asking for others’ opinions. I have learned to manage people by drawing out their strengths instead of trying to change their weaknesses. I have a whole new attitude about my working life and feel happier in my role.

I have seen a confidence boost in one of my team members who also received coaching with Bec, and a positive change in their mental health.

Bec listens well and does not judge. She allows you time to think and steer the coaching in a direction that is beneficial to you and will make good use of your time together. Bec also shares materials with you that she feels may be relevant to discussions had and these have been invaluable. Bec is a positive and caring person who genuinely wants to see people thrive and walk their very best life.

Hayley Grist
Citadel Manager, Housing Justice Cymru



We decided to book the ‘Workplace Limiting Beliefs’ workshop because we felt it was adaptable and relatable to members throughout the whole UK SBU (Business Unit). We thought that limiting beliefs are something most people struggle with, especially in the workplace. We wanted to empower members to help themselves.

The session was interactive, interesting and included the one to one coaching example. This seemed to really help members to understand the A-F Model presented during the workshop and encouraged them to support each other.

We’ve seen members commenting on posts in Teams saying that others should catch up because it was a brilliant session where they learned a lot. We were being asked for the recording of the session straight away after the session had ended!

Beth Rees
Senior Health and Wellbeing Consultant
