The Amazing ‘Ripple Effect’

of Transformational Coaching

‘Transformation’ means ‘change’ or an ‘alteration’. And that’s exactly what clients seek when they decide to work with a Transformational Coach. They feel the desire for positive change in one or more aspects of their life, and often feel they are lacking purpose, contentment and fulfilment.

But the exciting part, is that most clients I’ve worked with have no idea at the start of the process how powerful, enlightening and impactful the ‘change’ will be. More often than not, the area of their life they seek guidance with is a façade for much deeper, more meaningful transformation; a transformation that enables the client to thoroughly know themselves, accept themselves and be themselves. And that’s when the ‘ripple effect’ happens…

The ‘ripple effect’, is what happens when we thoroughly understand and accept who we are and what we want, and we adopt the right mindset for growth and change. This enables positivity, confidence and synchronicity to flow into all other aspects of our life.

Bec Bland

When life throws us a challenge, we are able to absorb it with greater resilience and integrity. We learn new ways of doing, thinking and believing, and we can quickly adapt to changing situations.

How can we expect to have fulfilling relationships with others if we don’t have a positive relationship with ourselves? How can we expect our business to thrive if we don’t have a clear understanding of its core values and aims? How can we achieve our dreams with self-imposed limitations? How can we play our best game if we are unaware of our strengths AND our weaknesses? How can we know where we’re going in life without first understanding and learning from where we’ve been?

Transformational Coaching provides a unique space to think and be truly listened to without the pollution of opinions, advice and judgements. This is a rare opportunity within our lives that have become so full they’re bursting. Our brain constantly receives messages both consciously and subconsciously from family, friends, colleagues, media and politicians who can’t wait to tell us how we should live our lives, and how we should think, feel and behave.

Coaching is non-advisory and doesn’t require knowledge or experience of the area being coached. The agenda is open and based around the client who is placed in unconditional positive regard, and the belief that if solutions are to be found, they are to be found within the client.

Change doesn’t happen without challenge, and the job of the coach is to challenge the client through powerful questioning to view situations through new lenses and perspectives, and to open their eyes to new ways of doing, thinking and believing, ways that can be applied positively to all aspects of their lives.

The ripples of Transformational Coaching last a life time and radiate to all aspects of life. The transformational benefit creates life-long changes in how clients experience life, how they feel about themselves and what they’re able to achieve. It’s life changing.