The Dark Side of Workplace Wellbeing ‘Solutions’

Wellbeing apps, fit-bit data analysis, providing managers with mental health training, battling to get comms space to shout about your wellbeing programme of events …


If you’re solely relying on these strategies to magically improve/the wellbeing, engagement and performance of your members, you’re screwed.

Not to mention the hypocrisy of shoving all this down members’ throats without using any of these services, or modelling actual wellbeing behaviours yourself!!

All of the above seem to ignore the basic and SIMPLE things human beings need to flourish

Positive Psychology’s PERMA wellbeing model explains things nicely.


That’s right. Feeling happy at work. having fun at work. feeling grateful. Feeling proud of your achievements, and finding joy in work tasks.



HOT topic and crucial component for retaining staff and actualising talent. How do you engage your people? You let
them use their natural strengths. How do you know the natural strengths of your people? You ask them! Or you can direct them to a FREE VIA character strengths survey.

We find our flow when we get to USE the best of who we are. I’ll let you into a secret … strengths-based organisations are winning at engagement.

The Dark Side of Workplace Wellbeing 'Solutions'


We need positive, adult (ego state) connections and interactions where we feel safe to be authentic, safe to speak
and hear the truth, safe to disagree, and safe to share ideas.

Tip: You have to connect before you communicate.

Your communication can be as clear and consistent as you like, but if you haven’t taken the time to connect with your people – who they are, their likes and dislikes, their hopes and dreams, – they’re just not going to listen.

The Dark Side of Workplace Wellbeing 'Solutions'


We need to know the work we do is meaningful. that it contributes to a positive purpose or common goal. We need to
know we’re making a difference, in some small way. We need to know what we do MATTERS.

Disclaimer: Not everyone wants to progress in their career or view their work as a calling. Some find meaning and purpose outside of work. And that’s ok. Know what makes you people tick, inside and out of work. Support it and celebrate it.


We like to feel the sense of achievement of a job well done. We want to be recognised for our efforts, strengths and talents, not reminded of our weaknesses. (We know what they are!)

Celebrate the small wins as well as the big ones and have an affirmative bias. See the good and understand that members are trying their best.

The Dark Side of Workplace Wellbeing 'Solutions'


Individuals have to take responsibility for their own wellbeing. I don’t believe it’s up to leaders and managers to look after their members’ wellbeing. Of course, it’s not up to leaders and managers to damage the wellbeing of their members either!

Organisations need to look at who they’re promoting and why, and stop inviting people to roles and responsibilities they’re not equipped to excel in.

Get all of the above right and we don’t need apps and fit-bits, and all the other …stuff.

Of course, it’s wonderful to have access to help and support when we need it, but work done right inherently enables human beings to flourish.

The Dark Side of Workplace Wellbeing 'Solutions'

You already have what you need

Even the most challenging and seemingly toxic workplaces will already have things that are working, people who are excelling, systems that are effective.

Seek out the best of the organisation and work with that before embarking on any kind of change.

Use the best of what you’ve got, the people you’ve got, and the resources you’ve got.

And if you need some help, shout! I’m not the expert in you or your organisation, but I have the tools and skills to collaborate with you to create the culture your members deserve.

Bec Bland. Positive Culture Consultant.
(MSC Applied Positive Psychology Leadership Coach (ACC ICF/EMCC)



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